Monthly Archives: June 2013

Some Florida Writers Who Twitter


Out of curiosity I wondered how many Florida writers were on Twitter so I searched Twellow and amassed the following list. If you are a writer living in Florida with a Twitter account and wish to be included on this list, comment me and I’ll add you.

cori padgett | @coripadgett Lover of Rain..Slightly OCD..Stellar Professional Writer.. Young Mom!  Location: Orlando, Florida

SeoulLady.Com | @SeoulLady Hi, my name is Victoria, I ‘ve just come down to Miami, Florida. Some people call me Liz. My website will tell you how to become a good writer !

ashleyladd | @ashleyladd love to read and write erotic romance – vampire, time-travel, comedy-contemporary, M/F, M/M, MMF. I want to network with other writers, readers, moms, American Idol, cat, and Star Trek lovers.

Susan M. Heim | @ParentingAuthor Mother of 4 – two teenagers and preschool twins (all boys). Author of 5 books, including 2 about twins. Former Chicken Soup for the Soul editor.

Ron Williams | @inkwest Writer / Designer / Evil Genius / Artist / Graphic Novelist  Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Kathy Riordan | @katriord One woman’s view of life and the universe.

Sandy Hall | @sandyhall I am an Author, Online Entrepreneur, EBook Creator | Writer | Publisher.. I Love Working Online and Helping People With Affiliate | Internet | eBay Marketing Location: Treasure Coast – Sunny Florida

Rashad Jennings | @RashadJennings Writing a book. Enjoy causing ppl to slow down and “think” Always laughing 🙂 Just drafted by the Jacksonville Jaguars #23. I play guitar. enjoy the follow!

Don Millard |@OTOOLEFAN Sardonic Writer and Artist, Current PressRoom Drone Loves Peter O’Toole, Writing, Comedy and All Things Irish  Location: Florida (Tan Belt)

Maria Nerius | @MariaNerius Craft professional, author, writer, gardener, and pet owner. I’m here to network with other creative people! Fibromyalgia is a part of my life.


Sue Reddy | @reddywriting Publicist, Fiction Writer of Navy SEALs, sports fan. Don’t send quizzes. I don’t take them.

Sandra Friend | @sandrafriend Florida travel writer, author, blogger, speaker, hiker, trail enthusiast. Member SATW, ASJA, FOWA, SCBWI. Take a hike, Florida!  Location: Ocala, FL

Janet Dawson | @PoetJanetDawson A Writer 1 book published (G MarksThe Spot)working on the other one (The Art Of Me),

Andrea Shea King | @RadioPatriot Radio show host/Writer/columnist at World Net Daily  Location: Central Florida

Christian M. Archer | @carcher777 I am a novelist and creative writing teacher!  Location: Jasper, Florida

Teresa Mears | @miamicheap Teresa Mears is a publisher, editor, writer and owner of South Florida On the Cheap blogs   Location: Miami

Kevin Lintner | @kjlintner Horror Writer. Musician. Husband. Father. Socialist. Equal Opportunity Annoyer. If you are stupid, I will find you, and mock you mercilessly.

DebraMarrs | @DebraMarrs Editor and Coach for Writers. Author of: Writing Your Life Stories. Help U Get Organized to Get Your Writing Project Launched, Build A Platform, Generate Buzz

bohemianliving | @bohemianliving Hippie-used to practice law now Im writing and flying free- Live Free Write Well Location: Orlando, Florida

Janet Conner | @janetconner Writing Down Your Soul, Conari Press.Madly in love with soul writing, science&spirituality, mystical poetry, prayer. Teach how to connect with the Voice within.  Location: Ozona, Florida

Florida Book News | @FloridaBookNews Florida Book News is dedicated to getting the word out about Florida writers, books and organizations.

Kim Weiss | @kimmerieweiss Author, Writer & Book Coach-PR Director-Blog Mistress-Music Lover/Singer

Charles Dennis | @WriterCharlesD Writer, Poet of 30 years. Location: Cape Coral, Florida.

The Hive Mind | @thehivemind Writer, Artiste, geek, bookworm, sci-fi fan, forward-thinker, perfectionist, loner, tea drinker, music lover, film nut, vegan

The 23rd | @writefast Author of the soon to be released SciFi:365, writer, podcaster, artist, geek dad, rolaids, caffeine,

Joseph Paulino | @JoePinOrl Poet, Writer, Entrepreneur  Location: Orlando, Florida

George LaCas | @George9Writer Writer & Artist … author of The Legend of Jimmy Gollihue

Kim Molner | @OfCourage Kim Molner is a cartoonist, illustrator and writer.

Jill Christine | @mintconspiracy Writer (chick lit, short horror, YA paranormal), designer, monster wrangler. I sell plush creatures via Etsy when I’m not serving as my muses’ secretary.

Crimson Shrine | @CrimsonShrine I am a writer, artist, philosopher and poet

LindaStamberger | @LindaStamberger Author, Editor, Freelance Writer, Artist. Recently finished my first fiction novel; ROMANTIC SUSPENSE

Susan Hilliard | @writingsh53 Writing Resources, Book Reviews & Writing Tips Location: Cape Coral, Florida

Charlene Weston | @charleneweston I’m charming, friendly and honest. I love writing fictional and non-fictional stories as: horror, love and children etc. Also,into knowledge & personal growth. Location: Miami, Florida

SaraRoseWrites | @skirtsararose Writer and Moe’s steak burrito consumer  Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Lou Belcher | @LouWrites Writer, editor, photographer. Writing,editing and consulting on book-length fiction and non-fiction, and blogging.

Helen Akers | @HSPWriter Creative writer, highly sensitive person, INFP, philosophy, spirituality, music, film, theatre enthusiast  Location: N. Colorado/Tampa,Florida

Harley May | @harleymaywrites Super mutant wife mom lady. Writer of many short stories and a YA urban fantasy. A reader, joker, drinker, and biter of babies.

Patricia Byron | @1abstractgirl Artist, teacher, writer, poet…

Jhonny Thermidor | @JhonnyThermidor I’m a student. I can see myself as a successful poet in the next few years, I enjoy writing & reading. Poetry is my passion.My passion is what keeps me alive.

TammyMcDuffie | @TammyMcDuffie I am a single mother of 5, I’m a writer, poet, and a giver of wisdom and LOVE!!!   Location: Cape Canaveral, Florida

Kimberly | @gladeslibrarian First, I’m a mom. Next, I’m a librarian interested in sharing great books that entertain, encourage, enlighten, enrich and empower young adults. I’m also a chicken owner, quilter, knitter, reader, writer, YA book reviewer, weight trainer and more.  Location: South Florida

Roy Peter Clark | @RoyPeterClark Taught writing at Poynter since 1977. Author of the book Writing Tools.  Location: St. Petersburg, Florida

Ray Cates | @rcates2 Writer, teacher, book store owner  Location: Ocala & Port Orange Florida

JC Hutchins / @jchutchins Writer, Published Author/Podcaster Location: Ft Lauderdale

Stacie McElroy/ @stacielcm

Medeia Sharif/ @sharifwrites

Eric Taubert/ @EricTaubert Location: Cape Coral, Fl

Gail Shepherd/ @gailshepherd  Location: Lake Worth, Fl

Rebecca Ryals Russell | @Vigorio Writer of MG and YA Dark Fantasy; Vacation Rental Owner; Mommy and Wife Location: Wellborn, North Central Florida, USA

Guidelines for Writing Children’s Books


Many new writers are unaware there are guidelines and rules for numbers of pages or words per type of literature as well as specific ages each category applies to. Listed below is a compilation of some of these guidelines.

PICTURE BOOKS for  ages 3-6, fiction/nonfiction: standard is 32 pages with up to about 600 words. This includes text and illustrations.

PICTURE BOOKS for ages 4-8, fiction/nonfiction: average of 32 pages (can go up to 40 pages for older readers) or up to about 1000 words including text and illustrations. No controlled vocabulary since meant to be read aloud to children.

EASY READERS for ages 5-9, fiction/nonfiction: generally run from 32-64 pages with text running from 100 words to about 2000 words. Geared for children beginning to read independently these books usually include illustrations. Stories should include dialogue and action. Can include a few words per page up to chapters.

FICTION PICTURE BOOKS for ages 6-10: can be up to 1400 words with about 40 pages. Geared for third through fifth grade classrooms. Intended for teachers to use as tie-in with school subjects.

NONFICTION PICTURE BOOKS for ages 8-12: with 48 pages and up to 2000 words, these books are aimed at the middle grade reader. Illustrated with photographs or drawings, maps, etc. they often include sidebar information.

CHAPTER BOOKS for ages 6-10: these average 6,000-15,000 words with 64-96 pages. Most have black & white illustrations. They are short novels divided into about four chapters and should utilize dialogue and action. Characters are usually the same age as the reader.

MIDDLE GRADES for ages 8-12, fiction/nonfiction: usually run 84-150 pages long with about 20,000-35,000 words. Fiction has no illustrations; Nonfiction includes black & white drawings or color photos. Characters should be 10-13 years old.

UPPER MIDDLE GRADES for ages 10-14, fiction/nonfiction: these run slightly longer to about 40,000 words. Characters are typically ages 12-15 with more intense conflict than MG books.

YOUNG ADULT for ages 12+, fiction/nonfiction: most average 150-200 pages with about 40,000-60,000 words. Characters are generally in high school and conflicts reflect situations/problems typical to that age group. Nonfiction explores subject aimed at 8th grade and above.

YOUNG ADULT for ages 14+, fiction/nonfiction: these average 150-300 pages with up to 90,000 words. While characters are generally in high school, some may be older, like in college. Conflicts should still reflect situations/problems the reader expects to have to deal with eventually. Nonfiction is the same as above.

POETRY: Poetry can be targeted for any age reader from PICTURE BOOK to ADULT. Many PICTURE BOOKS tend to rhyme anyway and should revolve around an image or action specific to the young reader. YOUNG ADULT poetry tends to be anthologies or collections and can be more open-ended and abstract.